Nov 19, 2012

Panning time lapse with GoPro camera

Probably the simplest "egg timer" panning base for GoPro cameras. Get an IKEA Ordning Kitchen Timer and stick one of the GoPro flat mount on top. As you can see on the Amazon links, they probably sell more timers to GoPro users than cooks!

I stuck an Arca-style plate on the bottom using double-sided tape so it can mounted on a tripod. Next time, I'll stick an Arca clamp on top to use other types of cameras. It might be solid enough for a small mirrorless camera, as long as it's leveled.

The setup on a Gorilla pod:

And the resulting clip below. Some Ken Burns effects were added and it was stabilized in Youtube. The videos can be jerky at times, especially at the end of the turn.

The timer has a fixed speed and makes a complete 360° turn in a hour. An alarm goes off when it's done turning. Useful when napping during the shoot:


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Federal Way Brothels said...

This is such an ingenious way to create a panning base for GoPro cameras.